Your life MATTERS! – That is a PROMISE!

Does MY life matter? This question is obviously on the minds of many across the USA and around the world. We can, without equivocation say, “Yes, YOUR life matters to God…and subsequently to many others.” Still, that is getting ahead of ourselves just a bit.

As the Passover celebration in Jerusalem drew closer during the Biblical era, Hebrew people from across the Levante would gather for the celebration. […]

2020-09-28T16:14:49+00:00September 28th, 2020|

A hopeful retirement paradigm for those in ministry, missions, & nonprofit service

Paradigms are powerful. The Oxford English Dictionary defines them as “a pattern or model.” The word was obscure until Thomas Kuhn used it referring to a set of concepts and practices defining a scientific discipline in his 1962 book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Now, it is popularly used to define how someone looks at anything.

Our personal retirement paradigm is built from our hopes and dreams (what […]

2020-09-21T11:30:07+00:00September 21st, 2020|

Pennie offers principles to guide financial decisions

Over the years there have been several published advice columnists who have answered questions from readers. Random House distributed Abigail Van Buren’s advice for decades. Ann Landers answered questions from anyone willing to pour out their heart. As recently as 2000, those two trusted advisors were published in over 500 newspapers across the USA.

These two headliners spurred others to offer similar, although more targeted, Q&A columns. Billy […]

2020-09-03T14:33:24+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

Fielding this routine groundball can change your future

Today, I would like to address those serving in the early years of their ministry. Follow closely.

Baseball is a game made up of intricate movements. Those who watch a game on television never see ninety percent of the shifts and adjustments that affect the outcome. Those who attend games may observe only fifteen percent more. Fans are waiting for the game changing moment. They await the key […]

2020-08-31T15:53:46+00:00August 31st, 2020|

Taming the BITE of the Windfall Elimination Provision

In July, USA TODAY published an article about a stealthy, nasty financial predator lurking in the weeds. This predator is not seeking a living breathing prey. No, the focus of the appetite of this beast is your retirement income…specifically the benefits promised under the Social Security Administration!

This money hungry animal of prey is known as the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). The WEP is adept at hiding […]

2020-08-24T16:27:39+00:00August 24th, 2020|

Let’s choose living in eager expectation over enraged entanglement

The state of social media is a mess. News reports of COVID-19 numbers, peaceful or violent protests, or anything political triggers the launch of emotion into action.

Perhaps the most discouraging element of the current plight is the Church seems to be in the center of this enraged entanglement. Holders of one opinion heartily hurl epithets of suspicion and anger toward holders of differing opinions, believing themselves to […]

2020-08-10T16:07:11+00:00August 10th, 2020|

Adaptability – embracing necessary change

On July 14, CNBC published a report from Lauren Thomas about the adaptability demonstrated by some mall owners in the wake of 2020 COVID-19 shutdowns. The report is important not only for business, but daily living!

Virtually all brick and mortar retail (short of home improvement and grocery stores) have suffered in the aftermath of the COVID-19. The stock of CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. had been […]

2020-08-06T13:58:01+00:00August 6th, 2020|

Balance – an elusive key for life

“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life.” – Thomas Kinkade

“Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete; it’s a sense of harmony.” – Joshua Osenga, 12 years a Cubicle Slave

“He has made everything appropriate in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NASB

We all know how our life feels in proper balance. As Joshua Osenga defined it, we had a sense of harmony. The […]

2020-08-03T15:37:24+00:00August 3rd, 2020|

Avoiding the sound of “splat” while accepting risk

Last week, we posted thoughts on the necessity of accepting risk into life. God wants our heart, our mind, and our life open to others. This openness places us in a position where our feelings can be hurt, our emotions can erupt, and our lives can seem crushed. Opening ourselves also allows God to use the talents he has given us to bless others. It allows the […]

2020-07-30T12:43:00+00:00July 30th, 2020|

Protect your eggs! But don’t go overboard!

“Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket,” is an age old, well-worn piece of advice. My father first remembered it when his mother sent him to fetch fresh eggs from a neighbor, circa 1919. I used the phrase often, in a far less literal manner, during the years I worked as a personal financial planner. It actually made its first appearance in the early 1600s […]

2020-07-23T12:08:18+00:00July 23rd, 2020|