Bring your questions, doubts, & fears. God & Scripture are ready!

    Does God see all the craziness and pain in the world?

    Does God really care about me, or about anyone?

    Does Christianity actually believe people are accountable for their actions?

    Questions abound as do accusations. Some accuse evangelicals of being uncaring of the plight of others. Some point to wokeness as a weakness that is “deadly as far as the Gospel” is concerned.

    The result of recriminations has not […]

    2021-03-15T17:48:40+00:00March 15th, 2021|

      Achieving Unity In An Antagonistic Environment

      Unity is quite the rage in the political realm. On January 20, Ari Shapiro interviewed Mara Liason during the “All Things Considered” NPR radio program. During the dialogue, Mr. Shapiro stated President Biden emphasized a message of unity during his campaign and reiterated the theme during his inaugural address. Shapiro then asked, “Do you think that this message of healing and unity can lead to real […]

      2021-02-08T20:04:01+00:00February 8th, 2021|

        Jesus, and Michelangelo, tell us to aim higher!

        In my pre-teen and teen years, many of the men in our home church encouraged me to think about becoming a preacher. That really wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. However, I normally found myself in some leadership role each annual “Youth Sunday.” When I was finally charged with delivering the sermon, I settled on a portion of the sermon on the mount as […]

        2021-01-25T18:18:13+00:00January 25th, 2021|